Medal and Trophy was founded way back in the year of 1999! It was the good ol’ days when ‘Mambo No. 5’ was dominating the radio-waves. A fella by the name of Martin and his smoking hot wife Loma arrived in Victoria, Australia, after a gruelling 16-hour flight from the motherland, South Africa. Tired, and suffering from corporate burn out, it was the very beginning of a brand new and exciting chapter.
Equipped with nothing but his smarts (and boy was he smart!), Martin was looking for a change. He was no longer thrilled by climbing to the tops of the corporate ladder where he was able to earn megabucks. It was time for a change—a real challenge… it was time to open up a trophy shop!
Riding solo for the first 5 or so years, he miraculously (with what I’m told a lot of wine) convinced his wife to join the team! Between Martin’s charm/rugged good looks, and Loma’s brilliant brain, they were a force to be reckoned with! Together they built up an empire that spanned over 5,000+ ecstatic clients. It was here that their true legacy was developed. Over their 20 years of absolute dedication to the cause, they helped hundreds of thousands of people celebrate across Australia, recognise, and award outstanding achievements.
But after 20 years (literally), they started to get tired. They began to ponder what their next chapter would look like… was it on a beach in Thailand? Or maybe running their own resort up in Queensland? Regardless, no plans cold be made before they found someone that would take care of their baby! And lucky for them, they didn’t need to look very far...
They had started to tell some of their clients on the downlow that they were seriously thinking of selling. One of them being Troy, a dashing young, self-acclaimed entrepreneur who’s enthusiasm alone would excite the grinch about Christmas! Funnily enough, Loma had even joked for a couple of years saying: “Who knows? One day we might just sell you the busines!”. As I’m sure you could imagine, this excited Troy like you would never believe!
After Troy displayed his typical level of over-the-top elation and egarness, it was time to try and convince the grinch, in this case, Martin, who hadn’t quite come to terms with letting go of his baby. But Troy knew exactly what to do!
First he went home and charmed his mum to consider leaving her steady and stable job of 15+ years, to join him on a thrilling new quest. together! Of course, she said yes (which at times, I think she now regrets, but definitely no take backs!). So up next was to share his glorious and ingenious plans with the bosses!
All it took was one gathering, where Troy introduced his marvelous mum, Deanna, and the rest was history! Immediately both Martin and Loma could see the incredible mother-and-son relationship that had been forged over their lifetime, and they knew this was the dynamic-duo they had been looking for to take over their business, and take care of their clients!
The future is now! The team knew that trying to keep the level and quality of service was a going to be a difficult task in and of itself. So when Troy came in wanting to not only sustain, but elevate the shops potential beyond anything that any other trophy distributor has ever done, we all had the same response… “Typical Troy”. But without vision, you live in darkness.
To do this, Troy’s taken what was a 2-man team, and dramatically expanded it to 9! (10 if you include his grandpa who’s affectionately given himself the title of OHS monitor). Every single role has been developed with a specific intention in mind, so it’s with great honour we introduce you to not only our team, but our family!